Our Courses

Award-winning online courses for curing the cause and increasing peace.

CLICK HERE for our Masterclasses.

Our courses have their own password-protected ‘Online Hubs’ - for anytime access to your teaching resources.

Accredited Qualification

Immediate Access

£3995 (Worth £6309)

Calmologist Course

Our most popular and comprehensive course providing the greatest personal and professional benefits and value. Calmology is our complete system for mental, emotional and physical healing, transforming your relationship with your mind, making positive life changes, and going deep into peace, empowerment and spiritual discovery.

Be powered by peace by unifying therapy and spirituality - with the help of my Calmology techniques: Mind Calm, Body Calm, Soul Calm, Calm Cure and Mind Detox. Be fully equipped to help yourself (and others, when qualified) to find peace with problematic life issues, while gaining the rare capacity to access calm, clarity, empowerment and presence - anytime.

Calmology combines coaching, therapy and spirituality and is proven to provide peace, healing, change, and awakening.

“Having done many courses over the years, I can honestly say this one has been the game changer.” Sharron, UK

"The course is life changing. I went from existing to living, sick to healthy and dull to vibrant. Everything you want is right here.” Mina, Norway

Accredited Qualification

Immediate Access

£1495.50 (Worth £2164)

Mind Calm Coach Course

Master our much-loved Mind Calm principles, meditation technique and awareness-raising tools - for gaining a life-changing understanding of how your mind works, healing your relationship with your mind, and ‘being still’ - to access inner peace and presence anytime, anywhere.

As a big bonus, you will also gain a Meditation Teacher qualification*, so if you wish, you can confidently share your newfound wisdom and expertise with others; via one-to-one coaching and group meditation classes.

With Mind Calm and our revolutionary ‘peace with’ philosophy, even if your mind is busy, or your life is often loud, you will be amazed by how still and peaceful your mind and life can be!

“Ancient wisdom translated into modern, practical tools for inner calm. Mind Calm can change your life.” - Suzy Greaves, Psychologies Magazine

Accredited Qualification

Immediate Access

£1495 (Worth £3159)

Mind Detox Practitioner Course

With Mind Detox, the possibilities are infinite! We believe we are all born with brilliance built in. However, unresolved past ‘stuff’ and different forms of mental toxicity (including detrimental beliefs) can make it harder to feel good, achieve our goals, and be our best self.

Gain the rare knowledge and skills required to help yourself and others to discover and resolve the mind-based root causes of physical, emotional and life issues. During this life-changing and empowering course, you will learn how to use my 5-Step Mind Detox Method and 5 Core Causes principles and protocols - so, upon graduation, you are fully equipped to heal the hidden causes.

“Mind Detox includes a simple yet highly effective approach so that peace, health, and happiness are attainable states for us all.” - Yoga Magazine


Sandy was awarded ‘Tutor of the Year’ in the FHT Excellence Awards.

100% Guaranteed

Get a full refund within 30 days if you don’t love it - no questions asked.

Student Testimonial (Video)

Student Reviews

  • “Having done many courses over the years, I can honestly say this one has been the game changer. No matter what the problem is, whether it’s emotional, physical, life stuff or spiritual, having one course that benefits all of these aspects of life - simply and effectively - is priceless.

    If you're ready for your life to change for the better, I highly recommend investing in this course.”

  • "The course is life changing. I went from existing to living, sick to healthy and dull to vibrant. Everything you want is right here.”

  • "Mind Calm has given me a real sense of serenity. I can catch myself when I’m getting caught up in my mind, which allows me to come back to the present moment. Overall, Mind Calm has given me a better experience of life and who wouldn't want that."

  • "Mind Calm has brought more peace into my life nad people have even commented that I'm laughing more (which I've noticed myself doing too). Overall, Mind Calm has given me a greater sense of wellbeing."

  • “The most important training course I’ve ever done.”

  • "I was suffering from abandonment issues, over-thinking, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life...

    Sandy gives so much and is always there for you. The transformations I see in my life - I'm happier, more calm and peaceful and have direction. I'm just really happy with who and where I am right now.

    My family and work colleagues comment about how much happier I am, and to be able to share this with others... it's just priceless. So if you're thinking of signing up, do it right now!"

  • "This is an amazing course, jam-packed with both theoretical knowledge and practical strategies and solutions.  Sandy's many years of experience working in the mind-body field really shines through.

    I'm am totally overwhelmed with how much I have learned and I am going to re-visit it several times to take everything in. If you have any interest in the connection between the mind and the body, this course is a must!”

The following online courses and retreats are for personal benefit and do not include qualifications.

Online Course

Immediate Access

Price: £995

Mind Body Connections Course

This is the course for every body! Learn how to listen to your body for diagnosis, healing and empowerment. During this course, I share the science and symbolism of the mind-body connection, and provide practical techniques for listening to your body and helping it to heal and stay healthy.

Includes a special guest interview with David Hamilton PhD.

Online Retreat

Immediate Access


Mind Calm Meditation Retreat

Learn to meditate, quieten your mind, heal your relationship with your mind, and discover the power of presence - for a calmer, freer, more empowered life. Discover first-hand the peaceful presence of your own being, access the power of the present moment, and be amazed by how still your mind can be. Get started now!

Online Course

Immediate Access


Mind Detox Masterclass

In this completely updated 8 hour video series, I teach my 5-Step Mind Detox Method, and reveal for the first time, the 5 Core Causes, which I’ve found to be additional undercover causes of a multitude of issues. Empower your life today with these principles and protocols that you’ll use for a lifetime.

Online Retreat

Immediate Access

Donation Only (Worth £444)

Heal Thyself Soul Calm Retreat

This retreat offers a spiritual perspective on ‘healing’. Deepen your spiritual strength, understand how your body impacts your mind, balance and calm your nervous system, enliven and embody healing states of being, and return to the origins of ‘real healing’. During this retreat, I teach my new ‘Heal Thyself’ Soul Calm meditation technique - for more peace, hope, empowerment and healing.

Online Retreat

Immediate Access

Donation Only (Worth £444)

Know Thyself Soul Calm Retreat

This retreat offers refreshingly honest spiritual discovery. Deepen your spiritual insight, avoid the common spiritual traps and learn about non-toxic spirituality. I teach my new ‘Know Thyself’ Soul Calm meditation technique - for inner peace, self-love and self-discovery - and we explore some really deep spiritual possibilities; so that you will leave with a rare perspective on spirituality and awakening.


Immediate Access

£27/mo or £153/year

Calm Clan Community Resource

Sandy’s Calm Clan is a great place to be, learn, grow, heal, meditate and connect. Membership includes monthly zoom meetings (sometimes with guest experts), meditations library, expert interviews archive, and several of my online courses and retreats. If you are interested in Calmology for personal use, join today for wisdom made mobile!

“The meditations, tools and ability to ask Sandy anything is invaluable.” Antonia, England

All Courses

Created by Sandy C. Newbigging (Who?)

‘Unique retreats transforming mind, body and soul.’

- Vogue Magazine

‘Sandy is the mind maestro’

- Psychologies

‘Learn wonderful tools for improving all aspects of life.’

- HELLO! Magazine